Our Social Life
Fellowship at St. Francis
In the life of St. Francis Church, there's more to our social life than just hanging out and yammering amongst ourselves (although we do plenty of that!). We call our engagement and interactions with each other outside the church's four walls "fellowship" which has a deeper meaning to us. At its heart, Fellowship is just the fancy Episcopal word for "being social in the spirit of Christ". Our events embody more than just simple gatherings - they cultivate a deep sense of community and family, which is central to our mission and parish identity. Fellowship, for us, means fostering relationships and maintaining a meaningful presence in our community, which sets us apart from other local churches. We see our time together as an opportunity to put down our phones and interact with other human beings - in real life and in real time!
Our Fellowship Committee leads and organizes activities/events at our church and in the community, but everyone at St. Francis is involved with fellowship in some way. The Fellowship Committee helps and supports other groups and events at St. Francis such as our Evangelism and Community Outreach groups, and our St. Patrick's Day Dinner. And we must mention one key component to many of our events: FOOD! No one ever leaves an event hungry - whether that be from feasting on pancakes, corned beef, hot dogs, donuts, or whatever is brought to a potluck lunch.
Some of our Fellowship happenings are:
Sunday morning Coffee Hour (an Episcopal tradition!)
Parish picnics
Women's Christmas Party
Welcome Back dinners
Dunellen Harvest Fest
Piscataway Street Fair
Potluck luncheons
And we do value all our time together spent just hanging out and yammering!