Our mission statement as a church of Christ is:
St. Francis' Episcopal Church is a diverse community, accepting all.
We gather to worship God, grow in faith, and share in fellowship.
We go out to serve Christ by serving others.
This mission shapes our life together as a parish family both inside and outside the church walls. We embrace a spirit of inclusivity and diversity; we serve God by serving others; and we recognize and share our God-given blessings with each other and with the world. While individual efforts abound, we also rely on various ministry groups/activities to facilitate fulfilling this mission. Some of the groups that do this work are:
COME! – our Committee on Member Evangelism
Outreach – sharing our gifts with our neighbors, community, and even the stranger
Stewardship – making good use of our Time, Talents, and Treasure
Fellowship – socializing with the Spirit
Formation – Christian education and development for adults and children
We at St. Francis believe in giving back - giving back to God from whom all blessings flow. We do this under the umbrella of "Stewardship" - God calls each of us to be good stewards, or caretakers, of what we have been entrusted with. We believe that "all things come from thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee". God gives it, we use it for God's purposes, spreading the Gospel
giving back to our neighbors, community, the stranger among us, and ultimately back to God. Great Commandments Jesus gave us: Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind, soul, and body; and love thy neighbor as thyself.
A theme in the Episcopal Church is how we share our Time, Talent, and Treasure - all gifts from God, all equally important.
COME! Committee for Member Evangelism
Community engagement