Have questions? Here are some answers to questions common among newcomers.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact Rev. Ayden.

Can I bring my kids? 

Absolutely!  From wee infants to grouchy teenagers, all children are welcome at St. Francis. 

Children of any age are encouraged to receive Holy Communion - there is no minimum age or grade requirement, just their parent's discretion. 

Do I have to donate money? 

No!  There is no membership fee to be a part of the St. Francis family. 

However, members are encouraged to contribute their "Time, Talent, and Treasure" to the church as a way of giving thanks to God from whom all blessings flow! 

Every dollar donated to St. Francis is used to support our ministry and mission.  This includes everything from keeping the lights on, compensating our staff,  to our monetary donations to the Dunellen Fire & Rescue squad. 

Are the church and hall accessible by those with disabilities?

Yes! Both the church and parish hall are accessible. We have an elevator for church access, a ramp connecting the church to the parish hall, and a ground floor entrance to the hall. 

What do I wear? 

Whatever you are comfortable in. St. Francis parishioners' wardrobes range from jeans & sneakers to a suit & tie. We are just happy to see YOU! 

How long is a service? 

A typical 8:00 am service is usually about 45 minutes. 

A typical 10:00 am service is usually about an hour. 

Compline is usally 20 minutes.

Holy Day services usually run a little longer than an hour. 

How do I attend church virtually?


Can I receive Holy Communion?

Yes!  All are welcome to receive this holy sacrament. 

At St. Francis, there are no preconditions, disqualifications, or impediments to receiving God's grace.

Can I be baptized/confirmed/married at St. Francis?

Probably. Contact Rev. Ayden.

What is Fellowship and why is it important?

At its core, Fellowship is just a fancy word for being social! But in the Episcopal Church it really has a deeper meaning. We are interacting as brothers and sisters in Christ, building each other up and building up the love between us and in God. It's where/how we find God outside of church. By strengthening our connections between each other we are strengthening the fabric that is St. Francis. 

Fellowship at St. Francis takes many forms. Each week after the 10:00 am service we meet for Coffee Hour in our parish hall (Coffee Hour is an Episcopal tradition!). Throughout the year we have events to bring us and the community together which usually revolve around food - Pancake Supper, St. Pat's Dinner, Women's Christmas Party, Parish Picnics, and Soup sales. Some of these event are intended to be fundraisers for the church while some are just meant to be FUNraisers. 

What is the Book of Common Prayer?

What is the bible?

We belive the bible, or Holy Scriptures, was written by humans inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Scriptures are our foundation and contains all things necessary for salvation. We believe the bible to be the inspired word of God as understood through the lenses of human reason and church tradition - we do not subscribe to a literal interpretation of the Good Book.

The bible is divided into 2 sections: the Old Testament (OT), and the New Testament (NT). Some bibles contain the Apocrypha, which is a collection of other inspired texts. There are many translations of the bible (lending to our not literal understanding of the texts). Most readings you will hear at St. Francis are found in the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). 

During a typical worship service we will hear a lesson from the OT, a psalm, a lesson from the NT, and a reading from one of the four Gospels. Episcopalians read more Holy Scripture in Sunday worship than almost any other denomination in Christianity

Dictionary for the Episcopal Church