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Baptism is full initiation into the Christian community, what St. Paul calls "the body of Christ." Baptism may happen at any age, whether infant, child, youth, or adult. We welcome all inquirers to speak to us about this important step of incorporation into the life of the Church.


Baptisms are normally celebrated on the four festal Sundays recommended by the Book of Common Prayer:

* The Great Vigil of Easter (celebrated on Easter Eve)

* Pentecost Sunday

* All Saints Sunday

* The Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (the first Sunday after Epiphany).


Baptism of infants and young children is appropriate when at least one parent is an active member of a congregation and thus willing and able to raise the baptized child as a Christian within the Church and congregation. Parents who wish their children to be baptized at St. Francis, but haven’t previously attended are warmly invited to join us for worship.  We hope you will discover a lively community in which you’ll want to raise your children in the Christian faith. To learn more about St. Francis, explore this website – better yet, come share a Sunday morning with us.  You can also contact the Rector for more information.


Baptismal preparation normally entails two sessions prior to the baptismal date, scheduled at the mutual convenience of the parents, sponsors (god-parents) and Rector. Parents are expected to attend both sessions and godparents at least one. These sessions include sharing our own experiences/understandings of Baptism and how they connect with that of the Church. We examine the baptismal service itself in the Book of Common Prayer, especially the promises made by both parents and godparents. We also talk about practical ways to cultivate a child’s spirituality in the home. The final session concludes with a rehearsal for the baptismal ceremony in the church.


Baptism of older children, youth and adults.  It is always exciting when a person decides to explore the possibility of being baptized into Christ and the life of the Church at an age when that decision is a choice made in his/her spiritual journey.  Each such circumstance is unique, so we seek to design a preparation process appropriate to the person.  If you are interested in discussing a possible Baptism, or have questions about what that might mean on your faith journey, please contact the Rector.

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